Voting and Models

Response system manufacturers' software typically provides a range of standard question types broadly termed "voting" by ABT; yes/no, multiple choice, true/false, free text, numeric etc. (see Using Keypads for further details)

YourView and the ABT Models extend the functionality beyond that of the standard software, for educators who want a wider range of functions or displayed outputs. Additional functions include the ability:

  • to see which participants have/have not voted, allowing the educator to manage the interaction more effectively
  • to drill down from the aggregate results to specific keypads, enabling the educator to choose suitable students to debate contrary views
  • to aggregate and manipulate larger quantities of inputs from each individual to generate richer displays; often positioning participants on a two-by-two matrix using an established business model such as:
    • Goffee & Jones's model of corporate culture based on dimensions of sociability and solidarity
    • Psychometric analysis such as IPIP/"Big Five Domains" (O.C.E.A.N.)
    • The Boston Matrix of product/service development
  • to correlate answers to two questions, demonstrating e.g. "of those who answered A to question 1, X% answered B, Y5 answered C and Z% answered D  to question 2". This format enables educators to drill down through the logic trails that relate to student reasoning. This is particularly useful in teaching case studies when there may be no one good answer, but in which a well-reasoned argument constitutes a good answer.

Other functionality under development includes the ability for educators to log the timing of participants' response. This has great value when used in conjunction with continuing inputs such as video clips (which can often be treated as a entertainment rather than educational) e.g. by/at which point did the majority of the audience lose faith in the interviewee? or at what point did it become apparent to you that....?