

"(Discovery) helped us move that very long distance from head to heart. It moved beyond simply knowing something to having experienced it"Patrick MacDonald, CEO of The Viva Network UK (charity) Watch Patrick's comments on video

"Six or seven months later, people are still talking about it (Discovery), referring to it…..created an internal language which has been incredibly valuable to achieve the alignment that the organisation needs"  Patrick MacDonald, CEO of The Viva Network UK (charity) Watch Patrick's comments on video

"(Discovery) It's got all the pieces, but it's not that there's an answer; there are lots of answers" Prof. Thomas E.Vollman (decd.), IMD, Switzerland (education) Watch Tom's comments on video

"(Discovery) takes (the) abstract, puts it aside and allows us to deal with something tangible, immediate and understandable……. "They've had this experience in common. It's "ours". We can talk about how it worked, how it didn't work, we can continuously link it into ongoing conversations. It's a common reference point……. "(Discovery) gives us an immediate fast start on the common problem processes. The conversations that follow could be about any process" Prof. William Fischer, IMD, Switzerland (education) Watch Bill's comments on video

Physical experience is different from any lectured or written learning - MBA student

"Discovery is a real temporary business" Bill Hennessy BA MA MSc CPsychol CSci AFBPsS MCIPD FRSA , Visiting Fellow, Cranfield School of Management

"Discovery is the whole of business - everything I've learned on the MBA is in there" - MBA student

"I've learned tricks through lectures and powerpoints, but I always have to refer back to them when I need them, but not with Discovery. With Discovery it's all in my head and my fingers" - MBA student

"...it is difficult to believe that as much could have been reproduced from a lecture of 2-3 hours duration!" - MBA student

"...lessons to be learned can be easily visualised" - MBA student

"Employees cannot ignore the management desire to drive the business forward together" - Personnel Manager

Watch video interviews with some of the clients quoted above.


"The response we have had from delegates was overwhelmingly positive. It turned out to be one of the highlights of the conference" - VP Logistics, Nycomed Amersham

"I had no idea how successful the simulation could be" - Head of Learning

"We in Logistics were able to achieve our objective of demonstrating how important supply chain planning is and, when carried out properly with clear communication, how costs can be effecitvely minimised" -  Logistics VP

"...certainly reinforced the learning and ensured that everyone understood who was responsible for as supply chain process" - Training Manager